Leaders are born, ICONS are made
Leaders are many, ICONS are few

– Dr. KKJohan


Brand leadership is business leadership, the hallmark of success in the 21st century. Your Brand is Your Business, Your Business is Your Brand. They are intertwined, interdependent and are inseparable when it comes to brand leadership. It takes it to the fore and to the next great level.

What is Brand Leadership? It is a state of being a leader who impacts the life of others. In the business world, leaders set new trends, are goal oriented and driven by performance, expediency and urgency. They create wealth, generate growth and create business opportunities.

They not only lead but inspire others to perform well. These leaders have the “X” factor and are icons. Icons see differently, think differently and act differently. They dare to be different to make the difference. They are key players in the industry. They are dynamic, robust, respected and revered. They are invaluable not only to the organization but also the nation. Their achievements and contributions are recognised and recorded as legacy,

The BrandLaureate Brand ICON Leadership Awards is all about recognising great iconic brand leaders who have transformed their brands into powerful brands that sustain the test of time. They define leadership, set standards and shape history. Your Brand is Your Business, Your Business is Your Brand.


THE BRANDLAUREATE – BRAND ICON LEADERSHIP AWARDS differentiates the common from the outstanding, average from the excellent and the mediocre from the distinctive.

“You can be a leader and not an icon,
you can’t be an icon and not a leader”


Branding leaders as ICONS

Towering tribute to ICONS

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