Sock of the day Monday edition: Today I am wearing pink flamingo socks to beat my Monday blues, after a long fruitful break of the Eid festive where I’m able to visit families both near and far after two years of pandemic. Today, wearing pink flamingos’ socks on me just reminds me of the beautiful flock looking so elegantly and calm in the shallow waters, I first saw them in a hotel in Penang island, the way they walk, they spread their wings, they cuddle each other makes me think of the beauty, mother earth has brought to us. This reminiscence brought me joy as I see more and more companies are prioritizing ESG in their corporate practice, ESG practice not only allows our company to grow but also allows these beautiful heavenly flamingos to continue population in a stable trend. Support ESG, Support Mother Earth.
– Farouq Sahibjahn
GM of The BrandLaureate
#thebrandlaureate #esg #mondayblues #flamingo #socksoftheday