The BrandLaureate Awards wishes everyone a prosperous Chinese New Year 2022! 恭喜发财,完事如意,心想事成,虎年大吉 ! 🏮🏮🏮 Safe travels back for the striped Lunar New Year where manifold waters flow astride ancient winds that dance to unwritten tempos in the heart of rainforest in tandem with the fickle sea and wild mountain breeze!

“We have enough Courage, Strength & Wisdom we are able to handle all of our life’s circumstances. May I suggest, From the onset of This Year, START DOING THINGS BIGGER THAN YOU THOUGHT. LIFE IS MUCH BIGGER, Always see the Bigger Picture, if we want to succeed we got to Enlarge our Vision & Perspective. See Everyone & Everything Bigger Than They Are or Used To Be. There are Bigger Potentials & Potentialities in Everyone & Everything We See. Have Bigger Dreams & Bigger Goals. Let’s make it BIG, BIGGER & BIGGEST In whatever your endeavours this year…to fulfil all your life’s dreams & aspirations. You must as well do it BIG. We at THEBRANDLAUREATE are doing everything BIG especially in this year 2022. In summary, -Just Be Brave Enough To Do It. YES, WE WILL & YES, WE CAN. Rise up & Roar! THE TIGER IS REALLY AWAKENED, THE TIGER IS BACK IN THE YEAR OF THE TIGER”-Drkkjohan.