Established on February 7, 2014, Momentum Internet Sdn. Bhd. is a digital marketing training and consultancy based in Muar, Johor.
The aim of the company is to help entrepreneurs’ use digital marketing to generate and promote sales by tapping into the full potential of Internet marketing.
It was founded by CEO Mohamed Najib Asaddok, aka the “Online Rocket Marketer” who has been interested in all things digital since young.
A graduate from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Asaddok has won several awards including:
“The 100 Most Influential Young Entrepreneur Award 2017” and “The Best Social Media Social Trainer Award 2018”.
He has also authored several books.
Currently, Asaddok is promoting his “Advance Roket Bisness” (ARB) online program, which focuses on how to use social media and copywriting to increase sales for local businesses.
Congratulations Momentum Internet for winning “The BrandLaureate eBranding Award 2020 for Best Brand in Digital Marketing Solutions.”