Never give up on your QUEST for your BRAND. I AM BACK!

As a brand owner, the most important QUEST for your brand is to be the No.1, the champion of the industry, one that is well respected by all including your competitors. Arriving at this position does not happen overnight. It is a journey where you go through many ups and downs, where you continue to search and identify what is best for your business and brand and work towards it. There is no short cut to success and the QUEST to be the best can take years, but if you believe in your brand and its vision, you will definitely succeed.

Your brand must be of the highest quality, strive to be the ultimate in the industry, known for its excellence and high standards and one that can be trusted. That is what makes an Award winning brand, one that is SEEN, HEARD, KNOWN and REMEMBERED and one worthy of The BrandLaureate SMEs Best Brands Awards 2022.



Ian Ong

Chief Executive Officer
Uncle Don’s Restaurants Sdn Bhd


The trophy of The BrandLaureate SMEs BestBrands Awards 2022 reflects the growth and journey of the winning SMEs. The cylindrical shaped trophy with its firm base extending upwards shows the progress of the brand. Sitting on top of the trophy is the engraved The BrandLaureate emblem, which signifies brand excellence.

The gold wrap around the trophy shields the brand from external forces and also protects the brand vision and quest from being challenged.

The trophy specially designed for the Award is 24k gold plated and has pewter as its base, two very strong metals that signify the prestige and credibility of The BrandLau-reate SMEs BestBrands Awards 2022.

Steps to Winning The BrandLaureate Award

Be Proud of Your Brand &
Start Nominating Now



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