The BrandLaureate wishes Good Friday and Happy Easter (on Sunday, April 12) to all our Christian friends, colleagues and awardees.
Meanwhile, churches in Malaysia will hold Easter celebrations online as the movement control order prohibiting mass gatherings will remain in place until Apr 28, as announced today.
Easter Sunday which falls on April 12, 2020 marks the end of a week-long observance for Christians which also includes Good Friday.
Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said earlier that the government has banned all gatherings, including international meetings, sporting events, and social and religious assemblies due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Coronavirus Crash?
The move to working from home during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is, without a doubt, the best public health decision people could have made. But our new reality has led to many questions, like whether or not the sudden move to remote work will crash the internet.
This is where hardware comes into play rather than pure bandwidth. Many workers from places with intranets and direct ethernet links to business-grade bandwidth still need the same complex tools and are now tapping into them remotely.

PM: MCO extended by two more weeks
The ongoing MCO will be extended another two more weeks until April 28, 2020, said Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin during a special address to the nation on April 10, 2020.