Toyota’s new Mirai and Lexus LS models with Advanced Drive A.I. technology.

TOYOTA Motor Corp launch new Lexus and Mirai models in Japan, with advanced driver assistance as the competition heats up to develop more self-driving and connected cars.

These are Toyota’s answer to the automative industry’s electric car start-ups and safety features.

Toyota executive James Kuffner, who is also the head of Toyota’s research unit Woven Planet said the new models also come with “over-the-air updates and AI technology centered on deep learning.”

Other advanced features include driving assist technology, or Advanced Drive — equipped with autonomous driving system which limits the car in its lane maintains the distance from other vehicles and changing lanes under the driver’s supervision on expressways.

The Lexus LS luxury sedan is on sale for about $150,000, while the second-generation Mirai hydrogen fuel cell car will be offered for about US$77,000.

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